About Me

Hi! I’m Heather!

The seasons have always moved me. I think the thing I love most about the seasons is the changing of the seasons. The excitement and the newness that comes with the shift, but also the familiarity of it, like getting coffee with an old friend. I love eating and decorating with the seasons, but beyond that I just love how the seasons really represent the journey of life in so many ways.

My heart is most happy when I’m home, journaling, cooking or tending to what I refer to as my mini-farm…a pup, kitty, five chickens, a garden and lets not forget the six houseplants.

My approach to life is quality over quantity. I’ve got an obsession with waterfalls, facial oils and Anthropologie. I take wayyyy too many candle lit baths (#imextralikethat) and I love squeezing in travel whenever I can. I’m a dreamer by nature, but I try my hardest to stay grounded in the here and the now, in this season of life.

Season of Heather is a place where I share how I live my best life through slow intentional living, self-care and enjoying the magic and beauty of this world. I hope I can inspire a few of you along the way to live your best life and help you make this season yours.

Cheers to life’s best moments!