Fall Lifestyle

29 Gifts with SOH

I included the book, 29 Gifts, by Cami Walker in my fall book club. I actually read it last year and have been meaning to do the 29 gifts challenge since. So, I’m committing this season to giving 29 gifts in 29 days and I’d love for you to join me! Details below!

We’ll Start November 1st

This will give anyone that wants to the opportunity to read the book first. It’s a pretty quick read. I definitely recommend reading it, but its not a necessity to participate. So if you’re strapped for time and want to keep this as simple as possible then no worries.

29 Gifts in 29 Days

You might be wondering what kind of gifts? And is this going to be expensive?

This is more about the feelings behind the gift giving rather than a dollar tag. I think this is where its helpful to read the book to get a better idea regarding the types of “gifts,” but they can be anything from a simple kind word of encouragement to an act of service to an actual physical gift.

Journaling is Highly Encouraged šŸ™‚

I know, I know, I’m always trying to get people to journal, but this time I’m only saying it because the book recommends it. Well actually, Mbali Creazzo, the woman who originally prescribes this 29 day giving ritual to Cami says its required.

I recommend pen and paper, but at the least you should keep a small journal in the notes section of your phone. Record your daily gift, how it feels to give, is it easy to give and any other thoughts or feelings that come up for you during these 29 days.

Share Your Gifts

Cami Walker started a world wide giving movement (you can check it out here if you’d like – www.29gifts.org). I thought it would be fun and inspiring to share our gifts (and it adds in a little accountability, at least for myself anyhow). Plus by sharing, other people might want to participate too and a world filled with giving people sounds like a world I want to live in.

One More Tip

Try not to plan out all of your gifts in advance. Try to choose them that day or even allow yourself to look for opportunities to give as the day unfolds. Of course you may have a couple that just automatically pop up as ideas, but try to let this happen as organically as possible.

So, who’s ready to give???

P.S. I put this pic in my last post too, but its too good not to share again. I bought this book second hand and found this recipe inside of it, I think it was one of their “gifts.” šŸ’ž

Cheers to the gift of giving,

29 Gifts Book

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