Fall Lifestyle

SOH’s Seasonal Book Club: Fall

Well I missed last years fall book club but I’m making up for it with 5 books. Hope you like em!

Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking

This book is the perfect fall book for you if: this fall you want to create a more cozy life…a hygge life.

We always say my husband could have been Asian in a previous life and after I read this book, I was like, “I was totally Danish in another life! Like a lot of em. I was definitely Danish in a lotta lives. I’ve been living and breathing hygge without even knowing what hygge was. Totally Danish.” 🇩🇰

So, probably needless to say, I love this book. The best part is after I had already read the book, I had two people tell me that I HAD to read it, because it WAS me. One even said, she was trying to explain hygge to her husband and she said, “It’s Heather, it’s basically Heather.” #honored

So what is hygge??

Hygge is a total moooooood and its definitely one I connect to pretty hard. But it’s a little difficult to describe. The first page even admits this and says that its been called anything from “the art of creating intimacy” or “coziness of the soul” or “taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things” and even (my favorite) “cocoa by candlelight.”

Words that make me think of hygge:

Community, intentional, love, simple, warm, slow, casual, soft, present, thoughtful, comforting, cozy, not rushed, snuggles and glow.

You can have hygge all year round, but I think it’s perfect to start with this book in the fall, because fall and winter are definetly the most hygge-y of the seasons (and yes, I made up a new word, hygge-y). So, get this book for the fall and bring more hygge into your life this season.

Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

These books are the perfect fall book for you if: you’re into spooky season (especially if you’ve never read it before!)

I don’t really feel like I need to explain Harry Potter to you, most people know what it’s about even if they haven’t read it. But I’m re-reading it this fall (it’s one of my fall to-dos), because I’ve never read it as an adult. I made it one of my fall to-do’s and I even saved it for fall because of all the magic vibes. I decided to add it to the fall book club because if you’ve never read it then you should and if have read it, you should probably re-read it. 🙃

Here I come potions class, flying brooms and magical animals in a forbidden forest! 🔮🌲🦄

The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

This book is the perfect fall book for you if: you want some grown up magical fiction.

If Harry Potter is a little too kiddy for you (I’m only judging you slightly), and you’re looking for something that feels a little magical but a more grown up version, then read this.

This is about a couple that meets through time travel. This book tells a unique love story while being suspenseful and thought provoking. I also enjoyed how the author switches the perspective from the two main characters throughout the book. P.S. It’s a movie too (but the book is better)!

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

This book is the perfect fall book for you if: you need some feely poetry this fall.

You may remember I shared Kuar’s sencond poetry book in my summer book club and just like that one, you could technically read this book all year round too. It’s perfect for your day-to-day casual flip kinda book once you’ve already read it. I picked this one for fall mainly because its dark black cover gave me those fall feels. What can I say? Sometimes its about aesthetics. And poetry is needed all year long ⚫🙃

29 Gifts by Cami Walker

This book is the perfect fall book for you if: you want to be inspired and see how the power of giving can change your life and increase gratitude.

November will be here before you know it and when we think of November we think of gratitude. Well, gratitude really has to do with the whole fall season. The fall season is the harvest season. It’s a season for actual harvest and metaphorical harvest. It’s a time to gather all that you have, phsyical, relational, emotional etc. and be grateful for it.

This book is a true story of how Cami Walker, a women with multiple sclerosis, changed her life by giving a different gift for 29 days. Throughout the experince, Cami writes about how she feels more grateful for the little things and more abundant as the days go by. It’s a really magical little book. She even inspired a whole 29 day giving movement. So cool!

AND LOOK: I bought this book second hand and inside it was this little recipe. I. wonder. if. it. was. one. of. the. last. owner’s. “gifts.” 😭

Cheers to fall, the perfect season to cozy up with one of these great books,

P.S. You can check out the other SOH book club posts here (I won’t tell if you read a book out of season)!

Hygge Book | Harry Potter Sorcerer’s Stone| Harry Potter Series | Time Traveler’s Wife | Milk and Honey | 29 Gifts

P.S. I’ve linked all the above books to Amazon for convenience, but my favorite way to buy books is used from a used bookstore, like Half-Priced, or from my favorite independent bookstores.

P.S.S If you liked this post you’d probably like: My Fall To-Do’s | Love List No. 1 | Fall Candle Guide

[This post may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I get a commission if you click through and make a purchase. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I only share products I truly love. Thank you for supporting Season of Heather. I’m grateful for you.]

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1 Comment

  • 29 Gifts with SOH - Season of Heather

    […] included the book, 29 Gifts, by Cami Walker in my fall book club. I actually read it last year and have been meaning to do the 29 gifts challenge since. So, […]

    October 24, 2020 at 1:11 pm Reply
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