Fall Lifestyle

My To-do’s as We Transition into This Fall Season

I love that moment when things begin to shift and change as one season transitions into another. The changing of the seasons carry a palpable energy with them and I feel like its the perfect time to regroup and set intentions for the upcoming season.

So, I was making my to-do’s/goals/dreams/intentions for this fall season and I thought I would share some of them with you. P.S. I wrote these down in my journal because I believe there is power in writing out these sort of things rather than just day dreaming about them. Writing gives them substance and you’re more likely to accomplish your goals and create the life you want if you write it down (42% more likely, according to google).

🔶 My Fall To-Do’s 🔶

🔶 Start Re-reading the Harry Potter Series

I’m planning on reading a lot this fall, including re-reading Harry Potter! I’ve only ever read the series once as a kid (and to be honest I didn’t finish it, just the movies), but I’ve heard from friends that its just as enjoyable to read as a grown up, if not more. I’ve saved it for fall, because it just seems extra cozy to read Harry Potter in the fall 🔮

🔶 Update My Mood and Vision Board

It’s been a bit. She needs a refresher and new visions because I’ve been checking stuff off left and right ✔️ And I call it a mood board too because in addition to vision/goal pictures, I like to add seasonal mood photos to get me more in touch with the season.

🔶 Thumb Through Fall Sections of My Cookbooks

Eating with the seasons is one of my favorite things about the changing of the seasons. I thumb through at the beginning of every season to inspire me in the kitchen and to re-familiarize and connect me to all the flavors and ingredients of the season. It’s a little new season ritual of mine.

🔶 Write My “Script”

This idea comes from Peta Kelly’s book, “Earth is Hiring.” It reminds me of a written version of a vision board.

If you want more guidance and tips for writing your own script, check out Peta’s book, “Earth is Hiring.” It’s a little bonus section at the end and it’s gold!

🔶 Journal About Something I’m Letting Go of

In a previous post from last fall, Lessons of Fall, I talked about the idea of letting something go. We often hold onto things and beliefs that aren’t serving us anymore. Fall is the perfect time to let go of those things.

So pull out your journal or some scratch paper and write down:


✨ Something your letting go of this fall | Why you need to let it go? | Why are you holding onto in the first place? | Do any fears come up around letting it go? | How are you going to feel once you’ve let it go? ✨


🔶 Go Camping

I’ve been craving the outdoors and slowing down. We haven’t been camping since 2 summers ago, which is far too long in my book. Justin only has one day off a week currently, but I’m hoping we can squeeze in a camping night sometime this fall. Cozy fire, crisp air and stars. That’s what I need.

🔶 Make Spiced Wine in the New House

The sacred spiced wine, it’s a fall/winter tradition over here. You can get my recipe here.

🔶 Revisit My Biggest Dreams and Goals

I’ve got some dreams that have been living up in my head for a bit now. The new season is the perfect time to revisit dreams/goals and create some actionable items that will help make them reality. What life goals, health goals, location goals, money goals, relationship goals, career goals, travel goals etc. have been floating around in your head for far too long?

What plans do you have this season?

Cheers to the new season and all that it promises,

Harry Potter Book |Root to Leaf Cookbook | Core Camping Tent | Clear Glass Mugs (Similar) | Earth is Hiring Book

Other posts you might like if you liked this post:  The Magic of Journaling | Lessons of Fall | Stuffed Acorn Squash | Spiced Wine

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