Lifestyle Self-care + Wellness

The Benefits I’ve Experienced from having a Meditation Practice (Plus some of my Husband’s)

I’ve been meditating for a little over two years now. I mentioned it in my very first post, my morning ritual post, and since first talking about it on the blog, it’s become even more meaningful to me. Lately, I’ve been very diligent with my practice (hey they call it a practice for a reason!) and I was reflecting the other day about all the benefits I’ve noticed in my life since beginning to meditate. I thought I’d share them with you! My husband has had similar experiences, but also a few different things, so I thought I’d share his as well.

Before I jump into the benefits, I just wanted to take a quick second to explain the type of meditation we each do. My husband does trancendental meditation. He was trained in it and given a mantra to repeat to help quiet his mind. I have not been formally trained. I started off doing mostly guided meditations, but now I do mostly non directed, focus on my breath type of meditations. Meditation isn’t hard, the hardest part about it is letting go of expectations and to not worry if you are doing it wrong. Ok let’s get into whyyyy you would even want to spend 20 minutes with your eyes closed focusing on your breath.

Benefits and Shifts I’ve Noticed from having a Meditation Practice

Increased Creativity – I will get wonderful ideas during but mostly post meditation. The first hour after meditation is when I feel super creative. Also, if you want to read more about my journey with creativity, you can read that here.

Increased Intuition – I’ve always felt very intuitive (Pisces over here), but when I commit to meditating, my intuition feels so much more fine tuned. I feel so much more deeply guided by my own internal compass due to meditation.

Increased Love and Kindness – Meditating has a way of making you feel so much bigger than just yourself and feeling connected to everything else. I truly believe that we are all connected and meditating helps me tap into that feeling. And when I tap into that feeling, I am more loving and kind to everyone and everything.

Increased Productivity – The days I meditate, I am more productive by far than the days I don’t. It’s better than any cup of coffee.

Improved Sleep – For the most part I sleep really well, but occassionally I’ll get a little off sync due to working nightshift. Listening to a guided meditation in bed has helped me fall asleep so quickly on those kinds of nights.

Increased Psychic Abilities – Remember when I mentioned I’ve always felt intuitive, well, I’ve also always felt a little bit psychic. Ever since I was a small kid I’ve had psychic abilities (I just didn’t know what to call them) and these abilities have only increased since I’ve began meditating. This definitely goes hand in hand with increased intuition, but it’s a little different. Intuition feels intimate where as psychic knowings/seeings etc. feel less so. I’ve noticed the most increase in clairvoyance (seeing images that answer questions or seeing images before they happen) since starting a meditation practice. It’s trippy!

Decreased Pain During Periods – I experience very painful periods, but I prefer not to take ibuprofen unless I’m in public. If I use a guided meditation for pain while I’m cramping, I often don’t need any ibuprofen. Pretty cool huh?

Benefits and Shifts My Husband has Noticed from having a Meditation Practice

Since these are my husband’s I’m just gonna list them without as much detail as mine above

🌀 Improved Memory

🌀 Decreased Anxiety and Depression

🌀 Increased Intuition

🌀 Increased Awareness of Energy in the Body

🌀 Increased Mental Abilities (less time needed for studying while he was in school)

🌀 Increased Mindfulness and Presence

🌀 Decrease in Blood Pressure (able to get off blood pressure medication)

It’s Really been Transformative for Each of Us

Starting a meditation practice is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I expected to be more calm, more “zen,” but I didn’t know just how transformative and healing it would be in my life.

I do find that it takes a little more diligence than my journaling practice, but the rewards are just as profound. I’ve also found that journaling has been a great way to notice/keep track of the benefits of meditating, especially the more subtle ones.

Also, this is my favorite meditation app, Insight Timer. They have tons of guided meditations, meditation music, sleep meditations and a timer for non-directed meditations.

Do you meditate? If so, let me know in the comments what benefits you’ve noticed!

Cheers to inner peace (OMMM……….),

Insight Timer Meditation App

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