
Just a Little Life Update – We’re Moving!!

We’ve been talking about moving for a long while now. We always knew that when Justin graduated we wanted to move for a change of scenery. We’ve both grown up around the DFW metroplex and our goal was to move somewhere with more of an outdoor scene. We we’re beginning to think a move just wasn’t going to happen due to COVID and the strain it’s put on the job market, but I’m really excited to say that Justin has accepted a job and we are officially moving to…..

Georgetown, TX!

Georgetown is a cute town about 20 minutes outside of Austin. It’s got a lot of charm, older style neighborhoods (my fav) and a square that reminds me of Denton’s square.

We’re super excited to be so close to Austin for all the good food scenes, shopping and other goodies. Neither of us really have much experience with Austin and we’re excited to explore the city together. Plus, we’re super stoked to have more options for outdoor activities than we did in the DFW area.

So When are We Moving?

Justin will be moving down this week and he’ll start his new job at Firefly Aerospace as a rocket test engineer the following week. He’s giddy about getting to be on a team that puts rockets up into space and I’m giddy watching him be so giddy.

Since this all came together rather quickly, I’m just beginning to scope out hospitals in the Georgetown/Austin area. I’ll be splitting my time between Georgetown and Denton while I look for a job and continue to work at my current job.

I wish we were moving down there together in one swoop, but overall we’re just really excited for this next chapter of our life.

Could You Be a Peach and Send me all your Fav Austin/Georgetown Recommendations Pretty Please?

Like I said above, we really don’t know Austin very well. I’ve visited a friend there twice, but other than that we’re pretty much newbies! So please leave a comment with your favorite places, restaurants, activities, bars, shopping, dog parks, hiking trails etc below!

Cheers to life’s adventures,

P.S. Top photo is from our last date night in our Denton home ❤️


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