Lifestyle Spring

SOH’s Seasonal Book Club: Spring No. 2 – Quarantine Edition

Books are one of my most favorite things in the world, so it feels really good to come full circle and have a second series of spring books. I’ve got four books for you that I’ve picked with our current circumstances of quarantine in mind: A book of fun and frill, a book for growing an important skill (um wine – a super important skill), a book for getting in touch with your true self and a timeless mystical book. I think there is something here for everyone.

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is perfect for you if: You want something fun and provocative to forget that you’re in quarantine

I’m loving fiction right now. Life can be a little heavy lately and this book is the opposite. It’s full of glamour, sex and energy. You’ll love Vivian, the main character, a girl who moves to her aunt’s New York City playhouse and finds herself the seamstress for a vibrant group of showgirls. But sewing isn’t the only thing she does in New York City, she finds herself doing a lot of men, too.

But it wouldn’t be an Elizabeth Gilbert book if it were all just frivolous and light. Nestled between the fun and the sex are solid life lessons and wisdom, my favorite being and the theme of the book, “you don’t have to be a good girl to be a good person.”

WINE. all the time. by Marissa Ross

This book is perfect for you if: You want to learn about wine, but not be pretentious about it. Also for you if you want to laugh, like a lot, while you learn about wine.

Let’s be honest, it’s quarantine, and we already know you’re already drinking wine all the time right now, so why not read “Wine All the Time” too? I’ve got two goals this quarantine season…1. don’t catch the virus and 2. learn about wines (aka drink lots of yummy different wines).

You’re gonna love this book because Marissa Ross is funny as hell. She takes a topic like wine, which can be a little uppity and overwhelming, and brings it down to earth for people like you and me. You’ll be entertained while you learn the ins and outs of drinking wine.

You’ll laugh, you’ll sip, you’ll learn, you’ll take another sip and you’ll love the way Marissa compares wines to the way your ex-boyfriend smelled on a warm summer night.

The Road Back to You by Cron + Stabile

This book is perfect for you if: You’re using quarantine to have a little self-reflection time

You’ve probably heard of the Enneagram, but if you haven’t, it’s an ancient personality type system consisting of 9 different personalities. You can take a test here (click the classical one) to figure out which number you are.

I love the Enneagram because it has helped me to more deeply understand myself. This book goes into how each number behaves overall, in times of stress/security, as children, at work and in relationships. You’ll feel like someone has taken a glimpse into your soul and is writing about you when you read about your number. It’s oddly satisfying.

The book also gives examples for each number on how to experience spiritual transformation. This particular book is Christian based, but I think anyone who enjoys being in touch with their inner-selves will enjoy these recommendations. The Enneagram itself has unclear origins, but does appear in to be influenced by many differing religions stretching from mystical Sufism to Christianity to Buddhism and more.

Another fun aspect of this book, is that you can learn about others too. Knowing other people’s Enneagram numbers has helped me in the relationships that matter to me most.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book is perfect for you if: You want an easy quick mystical fiction packed with metaphors and lessons of the heart

This is a little gem of a book. It’s filled with simple truths set amongst a tale of a shepherd boy who learns the importance of listening to his dreams and his heart during his travels.

This is one of those books that I understand why it’s been around for over 25 years and is still popular because it’s simple and true and no matter how much the world changes and evolves the lessons and truths of this book will still resonate with its readers.

Okie Dokie, please let me know if you end up reading one of these books and whatcha think šŸ˜˜

Cheers to filling up our quarantine days with beautiful pages,

P.S. If you liked this post you can check out all the other book club posts here

P.S.S. I’m linking all the books to Amazon, but if you have a favorite small independent bookstore, I highly encourage you to get your books from them, especially during this time when they may be getting less business due to COVID-19 #supportlocalbookstores

City of Girls | Wine. all the time.

The Road Back to You | The Alchemist

Other posts you might like if you liked this post: Connecting During Quarantine | Feelings on this Quarantine | All the other previous book club posts

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