Lifestyle Self-care + Wellness

Connecting during Quarantine

Here is a little list of things to help you through this strange time we are in. A lot of us are feeling a loss of connection during this crazy time, but honestly, we had a loss of connection before COVID-19 hit. It’s simply being magnified now.

In my last post, I talked about “seeing the good” and I do truly believe that a whole lot of good is going to come from this whole experience. If anything, I think we’ll all become better at connecting… connecting with others, with nature, with our partners and most importantly, with ourselves. Below you’ll find some ideas for connecting in all of these different areas.

Connecting with Others

We’re all craving that human to human connection. Here’s a couple things that will help you feel closer to your people.

Send a Card

We don’t often send a handwritten note just because now-a-days, but they are so simple and bring so much joy. Although you’re not actually talking to the person, you will feel connected to them as you write the card. And just think how happy it’s going to make someone to get such an unexpected treat.

Spice Up Your Zoom Calls

Everyone is zooming as of lately, but try breaking open that nice bottle of wine, maybe share a meal or even cook ‘together’ to help you really connect through the screen and add some normalcy in your life.

My friends and I just started a book club and we’ll be chatting about that on our zooms. We’re reading “Little Fires Everywhere,” because we decided fiction would be a nice healthy escape for all of us right now.

Connecting with Nature

Nature is a simple remedy to feeling stressed. If I’m feeling overwhelmed and I spend some time outside I feel better like seriously 99% of the time.

Take Your Normal Indoor Activities Outside

We’ve been taking more walks, but I’ve also been trying to do more of the activities I normally do inside outside. I’ve been journaling, reading, stretching and doing yoga outside in my front little driveway area. It’s practically my “outdoor nook” now.

Start a Garden

It’s spring and the perfect time to plant some seeds and get your hands in some dirt. And if starting a full garden seems intimidating, try starting with an herb garden. This spring I’m planting herbs and these pretty edible flowers to toss into salads.

Connecting with Your Partner

Let’s be honest, everyone in a partnered relationship probably feels super grateful that they don’t have to go through this quarantine alone. And let’s be honest again, all of those same people have also wanted to kill their partners during this quarantine at some point or another 😂It’s hard being around anyone this much.

Fancy Date Night In

Pull out that cookbook that normally just sits and looks pretty on your shelf and pick a recipe and cook it with your lover. Pull out your fancy dishes and glasses, get some flowers for your table and light some candles (favorite spring candles here). Bonus points if you get cute for your date night and actually change out of your lulu lemons.

Have More Sex

Doesn’t need a lot of explaining. You’ll feel better, they’ll feel better. Just do it. Literally 🙃

Connecting with Yourself

Connect to your feelings, your creativity, your intuition, your breath, you senses… connect to yourself. In high stress times like these, we have to keep bringing ourselves out of our heads and back into our bodies.

Create Grounding Practices

If you don’t have a morning ritual, now is the time to create one. Need some inspiration? You can read about mine here. Now is the time to do all those things you’ve wanted to do for yourself, but never feel like you have time for.

Start that journal, start that meditation practice, paint that painting, finish that online course you bought yourself and only got halfway through, read that book, run that mile. We are being forced to slow down, forced to look within, forced to reassess what matters. This time may be rough, but there are a lot of little gems tucked into this time, just waiting to be unearthed.

Ok guys, take care of yourselves and connect to people, nature, your partner and yourself during this time to feel more balanced so you can keep seeing the good. Oh and wash your hands 😘


Little Fires Everywhere Book

Other posts you might like if you liked this post: Feelings on this Quarantine + Seeing the Good | My Morning Ritual | The Magic of Journaling | Starting an Herb Garden this Spring
[This post may contain affiliate links. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I only share products I truly love]

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