
Feelings On This Quarantine and Seeing the Good

We’re in a really weird time with all this quarantining and social distancing stuff, and while there’s plenty of stress, I’ve noticed a lot of good. I’ve seen (through social media of course) the way the earth is healing and how people have come “together” to boost joy and inspire creativity.

I’m Used to Staying at Home But…

I’m fortunate to feel like my home life isn’t too different, because my home, in particularly my nook, is my favorite spot in the world to be. But somehow, even though my day to day at home isn’t too different, it still feels different.

So while there may be a bunch of funny memes saying that all us introverts have prepared our whole lives for this, it’s still weird. There’s still an energy that has shifted and is palpable, even from the comfort of my nook. And like I said above, it’s not all bad. Sure some of it is, some of it is fear. But some of it is just noticing how things are changing and that feels… hopeful.

It seems funny to me to be feel such hope in a time like this, but honestly, thats what I feel.

We Will Come out of This Different than We Went In

Our families, our friendships, our nation, the world, humanity… we will all be different than before COVID-19 struck. Things that felt so normal, so expected ( like toilet paper, hugs from friends, popping into a favorite coffee shop) now feel like luxuries. I’m realizing more and more every day how our life is really just one big luxury.

And I’m Constantly being Inspired by the Good

I’ve been so inspired by people finding ways to share beauty like the #flowertourpdx in Portland or the notes people have been leaving on sidewalk with chalk or all the free online workouts being offered or the people sewing masks for nurses or the people singing to each other in Italy from their windows.

You see, people are proving what I’ve believed all along: that people are innately good. For every bad thing I’ve seen lately, I’ve seen 100 good things.

The bad is making us go deep inside of ourselves and pull out the thing that exists within all of us and connects all of us… the good, the beauty, the love.

There’s no denying that a lot about this time sucks, but let’s notice the good, let’s contribute to the good and let’s be the good

Ok, those are all my feelings for now 🙃I’d love to know what good you’re seeing during this crazy time. Share below. And stick around because I’m gonna put together a post soon for things to do during this time from your favorite little introvert in the next couple of days.

Cheers to the good,

Other posts you might like if you liked this post: My Journey Back to Creativity | Mirror, Mirror – A Convo on Self-love


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