
My Journey Back to Creativity

Growing up I always felt very creative, but somewhere along the way, I became less connected to creativity. Luckily though, in the past couple of years, I’ve experienced a major reconnection to creativity.

Now, I feel like creativity is more present in my life than ever before. I’ve made a home for her in my day to day life in both obvious and subtle ways. So, here’s a little bit about my journey back to creativity, the things that help inspire creativity for me and how I’m moving forward with creativity.

My Creativity as a Child/Teen

As a child/teen I was very creative. I wrote poems, painted, sculpted miniatures out of clay, scrapbooked, made up dances, baked elaborate cupcakes, tried to write a book and more. Creativity came easily to me during this time of my life and I was more often creating than not.

But college came and it required me to tap into my left brain a lot more and I got a little disconnected from creativity. I hadn’t even realized how disconnected I’d become from creativity until this last year.

Re-connecting to my Creativity

Now that I’ve been out of school for 4 years and in a different mindset, I’ve been able to coax creativity back into my life. I would say the first time I really felt creative again was planning my wedding and then I noticed huge shifts when I started journaling daily, reading and meditating.

Journaling has been my best tool for inspiring creativity and a beautiful remembering of just how right-brained I really am!

Things that Inspire Creativity for Me

  • journaling – helps me tap into my deepest desires and truths
  • meditating – helps me find stillness and ideas always spring forth
  • reading – introduces me to new concepts and sparks memories
  • being outside – I’m always inspired by the beauty of the outdoors
  • moving my body – literally helps me move stuck energy and puts me into a better mood
  • gardening – stills my mind, kind of like a meditation
  • bathing – calms my nervous system and some of my best ideas come in the bath
  • traveling – new tastes, new sights, new smells, new sounds, new feelings … surprise, new ideas
  • yoga – a meditation and a work out all at the same time, yes please
  • cooking – creating flavor profiles, working with my hands, seeing all the pretty colors of the food, plating… it all taps me into creativity
  • driving – I do a lot of day dreaming in the car. Poems often come to me in the car and I’ll voice note them into my phone
  • dancing – again moves the energy and shifts the mood
  • listening to music – always makes me feel super feely and creating has always been so closely tied to feeling for me, so music often inspires idea
  • Being creative – working on a project, a blog post, a cute corner of my home, etc. always gives me new ideas for other projects tenfold

Here’s the thing, when you do something small that inspires creativity, more creativity will come. Creativity attracts more creativity. It’s magic like that ✨✨✨

A Creative Shift

I’m so happy to be back in flow with creativity. But this time around, I’ve realized creativity is so much more than I realized before.

Creativity is making something with your hands, it’s writing a song, or painting or hand lettering or whatever artsy thing you can think of.

But…creativity is also expressing things from your unique view, it’s whistling a melody in a space that was silent before, it’s making a morning ritual for yourself that transforms your life, it’s creating space with your breath to go deeper into your yoga pose. You see, we are all creative, its just about tapping into that mindset, and when you do, the creative floodgates will open even more.

Leaning into My Creativity

I’m leaning into my creativity, because I deeply want to…

…create something out of nothing, something that didn’t exist before, something shown the way I see things, feel things.

…add more beauty to everything. And then a little bit more. I want to create more pleasure around the mundane.

…create something that feels expansive and encourages us to connect to each other and the current season of our life more.

What’s Next?

I’m not entirely sure, I have a few ideas I’m playing with, but I’m still waiting for some of them to pop into my little head, so that I can run with them. All I know is that I’m going to keep doing the things that inspire creativity for me and to follow….

the JOY, and the PLEASURE, and the EXCITEMENT and the LOVE.

They are my guides. And following them, often means creativity is nearby. Follow these guides and you won’t be disappointed in your life.

And create, create, create – in the way only you can.

Cheers to the creativity that lives within each of us,

**Top image captured by the lovely @FarrahPower , a wedding and elopement photographer who graciously shared this stunning photo with me. Isn’t it the most perfect and dreamy thing you’ve ever seen?? You can view her website here.

Other posts you might like if you liked this post: The Magic of Journaling | My Morning Ritual | SOH’s Seasonal Book Club: Summer


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