
The Love List No. 1

I’m welcoming a new series today, the love list – a compilation of things I’ve been loving, eyeing and really feeeeeling lately from food, art, products, places, people, music, quotes, activities and more.

You may remember my post last fall, 9 Things I’ve been Loving this Fall, it’s basically the same, but I wanted to give it a new name so that I could do more than one a season, because one a season just isn’t enough.

So, currently on the love list…

1. Ginger Tea

Spicy, Grounding and Hydrating

I’m really bad at drinking water. I know, I know. But ginger tea helps me sneak in a little extra water. And it’s so simple! Just slice up some fresh ginger and add hot water. Steep for a few minutes and sip, sip, sip.

2. The Goop Lab on Netflix

Unconventional and Intriguing

This is a six episode docu-series by Goop (Gwyneth Paltrow’s wellness brand – I love her) that dives deep into wellness. They’re breaking social norms, pushing boundaries and I love it, from episodes about vulvas, energy work and more.

My favorite part about this series is that they really go there – no beating around the bush (pun intended – watch episode three 😀 ). They go all in and I really respect that. I found all of the episodes interesting, but episode 2 (Cold Comfort – I have a total crush on Wim Hof) and episode 3 (The Pleasure is Ours) were my favorites.

3. A Reminder from this Little Plant…

Gentleness and Support

Yes little plant. Life is hard sometimes and we all need to be a little more gentle with ourselves and one another. Also, sometimes we need a little support too and that’s ok. How can you be more gentle with yourself or others this week?

4. The Song Trick of the Light – Mahogany Sessions by the Villagers

Moody, Slow and Piano Heavy

You may know this song, but this mahogany sessions one is a slower moodier version of the song and its so damn good. I feel this song in my bones.

5. Pink Cloud Rosewater Moisture Creme by Herbivore

Creamy and Dreamy

You may remember this brand from my facial oils post last winter. This creme is super dreamy and soaks right into my skin. I like to apply this when I’m feeling a little extra dry on my cheeks and then I’ll seal it in with one of the facial oils. Good for day or night wear.

6. Shopping for Used Books

Reuse and Recycle

I’ve been reading more and more lately and I love looking for used books if the book has been out for a bit. Used books just seem to have a little more magic in them. I wonder how many hands they’ve passed through and how many people they’ve effected. Plus, I love coming across little gems I didn’t even know I needed.

Ok, well that’s what I’ve been loving lately. Stick around for more love lists in the future.

Cheers and Love,

Pink Cloud Creme


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    March 11, 2020 at 1:00 pm Reply
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