Lifestyle Winter

SOH’s Seasonal Book Club: Winter

So, I missed Fall book club, because ya know, life, but good news for you, I’m making up for it by having FOUR books for you this time. I know. I’m really wonderful.

These books are all very different, but I feel like they’re all very good “beginning of the year” books (for different reasons – you’ll see, you’ll see). So check em out and if you end up reading one and liking it, I’d love to know.

1. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker

This book may be your perfect “beginning of the year” book if : This is the year you’ve decided to really focus on your finances

Confession: I didn’t really expect to enjoy this book. I mean it’s a book about money, I thought it might be a little dull. But it was far from it. I love this book.

This isn’t your average money book. It really helps you uncover your subconscious beliefs about money and if you don’t think that’s important, let me tell you… IT IS!

Why is this important? Because our subconscious pretty much rules our life and our decision making. This book helped me to understand my “money blueprint” and improve my relationship with money.

Seriously, some crazy things with money happened when I started understanding my subconscious relationship to money and implementing the principles in this book. I know there are a lot of books about money and probably some pretty good ones, but this book is like the foundation of all other money books, I promise.

2. A Year with Hafiz – Daily Contemplations Translated by Daniel Ladinsky

This book may be your perfect “beginning of the year” book if : You want a bite sized piece of poetic wisdom each day

Hafiz was a 14th century poet who wrote about life, the universe, love, grief, wonder, joy and more. His poems are expressive, spiritual, profound and, at times, even humorous.

There is a poem a day for an entire year and I feel like this book would be the perfect in the morning quick read and daily dose of inspiration while you drink your coffee kinda book. And yes, I know it’s already February, but I promise it won’t take you long to catch up.

P.S. – If poetry is your jam then you’d probably enjoy the poetry book in the summer book club too.

3. The Happiness Project – Or why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean my Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Ruben

This book may be your perfect “beginning of the year” book if : You want to have more happiness and joy in your life

This author, Gretchen Rubin, spends a year focusing on certain areas of her life to increase happiness and she documented the whole experience for us so we can have more happiness too.

The book is broken into 12 areas of focus, one for each month. They are: vitality, marriage, work, parenthood, leisure, friendship, money, eternity, books, mindfulness, attitude and happiness. You could read the whole book at once or break it up over the year.

This book is filled with research, but it isn’t a bore. I also found that this book boosted my creativity and actually inspired me to have my book swap party last fall.

4. Game Changers – What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life by Dave Asprey

This book may be your perfect “beginning of the year” book if : You want to learn how to become smarter, faster and happier

Most people want to be successful, but what are successful people really doing to win at life? This book takes the knowledge from over 450 interviews of highly successful people from diverse walks of life and breaks down their secrets to success.

Some of them are pretty simple, some of them are kind of out there, but it’s all very fascinating. Let’s just say there’s a section titled, “Never underestimate the power of a female orgasm.” Yep, I like this book!

But seriously, I found this book very insightful and thought provoking. And I love the action items he includes throughout to help you apply these concepts. So, get the book, expand your mind and learn from people who are doing it right – it’s 2020 and it’s time to be our best selves!

Well I hope everyone’s year is off to a good start and I hope at least one of these books (or all of them!) interested you.


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind | A Year with Hafiz

The Happiness Project | Game Changers

P.S. If you liked this post you might also like my spring and summer book club posts.

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