Fall Recipes

London Fog Oat Milk Latte

Well it’s officially fall, but here in the south it’s still pretty warm and summer seems to be gently lingering on. The sunflowers are still worshiping the sun and I’m also trying to soak in these last moments of warmth and sunshine. While I wait for real fall to come, my go to latte has been a London fog latte. It’s the perfect transition to fall latte if you ask me, plus I made it with oat milk – my new latest obsession.

London Fog Latte – The Perfect Transition Latte

The London fog latte is the perfect warm beverage for this time of year. It’s vanilla-y, creamy and floral-y. YUM. It gets me excited for fall with its warmth and vanilla notes, but those really light pretty floral notes from the earl grey are reminding me to soak in these last moments of warmth and blooming flowers.

A Word about Oat Milk

Babes, have you tried oat milk yet?! It’s amazing! I had been looking for a plant based milk for a while. I don’t like store bought almond milk and I’m not committed to making homemade almond milk every few days so I was on the hunt for some other plant based milk.

Que oat milk! It comes from, you guessed it, oats and it’s delicious! It tastes a little earthier than almond milk to me and I love it! I’m using Oatly’s oat milk and I use it for all my at home lattes now.

I’m not Vegan, but…

I still eat meat, eggs and dairy, but I prefer to switch to plant based options when I can. I think it’s good for our bodies and our earth to consume more sustainable foods like plants and I feel my best when I’m eating a mostly plant based diet.

So, I make switches whenever I can and switching from milk to oat milk was an easy switch. You can definitely make this recipe with regular milk if you want, but if you haven’t tried oat milk yet this would be the perfect time to try it!

Charles Grey Tea

This is Teaspressa’s version of earl grey tea. You can’t miss the bergamot in this tea blend. Bergamot is the flower that gives earl grey floral note. I got this tea from Moorea Seal’s store on our trip to Seattle, but you can get it online here, but any earl grey tea would work.

London Fog Oat Milk Recipe

Makes 1 serving

  • 1 serving of earl grey tea – I used about 1 TBSP of the Charles Grey
  • 4 oz oat milk
  • 4 oz water
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 1tsp of coconut butter – optional, but makes it frothy
  • Sweeten to taste with honey or favorite sweetener
  • Garnished with cornflowers because they’re pretty 🙂


  1. Heat the milk and water. Steep your tea.
  2. Remove tea and add vanilla, coconut butter and honey.
  3. Blend in blender to make it frothy or skip this step and just stir.
  4. Garnish with cornflowers, because it will make your heart happy.

This has definitely been my go to latte during my morning ritual as of late and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do while we transition to fall.

Cheers and happy sipping,

Yoga Mug | Charles Grey Tea | Tea Infuser (Similar)

Pink Plate | Organic Cornflowers


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    March 4, 2020 at 2:52 pm Reply
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