Lifestyle Travel

The 10 items in My Carry-on Every Single Trip

Sure, the type of clothes and outfits I pack may change depending on what season I’m packing for, but there are some things that end up in my carry-on every time.

And, because I don’t want to worry about my luggage arriving to my destination late or worse not at all, I try to get by with packing just a carry-on and a personal item for most trips. So, while these items could definitely go in checked luggage, if that’s your jam, all of these items are carry-on approved! Here are the 10 items that are in my carry-on (and purse) every single trip!

1. Shampoo and Condtioner Bars from Lush

These things are amazing. We’ve used them as our main shampoo and conditioner too, but they are a traveling must. No fussing over if its in TSA approved sizes! These guys were made for traveling. They smell great, lather great and won’t spill in your carry-on either.

Favorite shampoo bar: Honey I washed my Hair. Favorite conditioner bar: Jungle.

2. Polaroid Camera

Everyone has a smart phone and I’ll admit I take 99.9% of my photos on it, but we bring the polaroid on every trip and the photos we take on it tend to be some of my favs. There’s just something magical about polaroid photos and its so nice to has something physical.

I’ve got polaroids sprinkled throughout my house, but my new favorite thing is to use them as book marks. This one here was taken on our camping trip in New Mexico last summer and every time I look at it I feel so much happiness.

3. Small Sample Size Beauty Products

I save all my small sample containers I get and re-fill them with beauty products for traveling. Unused sample packets are great for this too, but normally on my trips I want to bring the products I already know I love.

So, I just scoop, pump and portion out my favorite lotions, oils and creams for my trip into tiny containers I’ve collected over the years. This saves room in my carry-on and ensures that if there is a spill in the ziplock bag I’m not losing a whole full sized bottle of my favorite skincare. And when I get home I just use up whatever I didn’t use on the trip and then set these little mini babes away until the next trip.

4. My Journal

I journal most days of the week including on vacations. I love re-reading all my entries, but especially from vacations.

On June 30th, 2018 I wrote:

While that might not seem like much detail to you, when I re-read that journal entry it took me right back to that moment. I remembered the way the air felt, conversations we had on our hike, the drive on the way to the winery, the songs we sang together on that drive, how we laughed over our wine and how we promised each other we’ll always have girls trips.

Sometimes, it’s about what you write in the pages, other times its how it transports you back in time.

And on that note….

5. Another Journal… A Travel Journal

Ok if you read my journal post, you’d know I’m a big proponent of keeping everything in one journal. But here’s an exception… this travel journal, the Wanderlust journal.

This journal is really great because it prompts you with questions. While I might capture sweet little moments in my personal journal on my trips, this journal helps me capture even more, because it gets me thinking in a way I don’t normally think.

It asks questions like the last tea you had, the car you were in, the supermarket you visited, the last sentence you said, the last drink you shared, the impression of the place your in, what you’ll remember it for, the politics of the place, what the fauna and flora was like and more. This journal really helps you capture the essence of your trip and all the little details that might not feel very meaningful at the time, but will be a cherished memory in the future.

6. Cute PJs

I love cute pjs, but its hit or miss if I wear them at home. Often times by the time I take my evening bath I’m ready for bed and I just dry off and hop into bed, nakey (if you’re sleeping with clothes on you’re doing it wrong haha). But on trips, I seem to have time for cute pjs before rushing to bed and its one more thing that really helps it feel like vacation time.

7. A Book

Come on who doesn’t love reading a new book on a trip? I’m all about things that make the trip special and memorable and when you read a book on a trip you’ll always remember, ah yes I read this book on the beach in Florida. And if you need a book rec, check out my last book club post here and keep an eye out for a summer one soon!

8. A Swimsuit

I don’t care if i’m going to a snowy location or even if I plan on skinny-dipping. I bring it just incase. Better to have it than to not!

9. A Small Purse and a Large Purse

I always bring a large purse as my personal item for the plane to carry my books, journals, and laptop in, but I don’t always want to be dragging a large tote style purse everywhere on vacation. So, I pack a tiny one either in the large purse or in my carry-on.

10. Something to remind you of home

Yeah you’re on vacation and you’re trying to forget all about the responsibilities of home, but there’s something about home that’s just comforting. I love to bring a little candle or incense from home to make the space feel like our own. This neroli and sea salt candle (from my summer candle post) came with me to Florida for my beach trip and while it reminded me of home while I was there, it too, like the book, captured a little of the Florida essence and now reminds me of my trip now that I’m home.

So, while some of these items do make traveling/packing easier and more convenient, many of these items are really all about enjoying and making lasting tangible memories in your travels so that you can remember them for a lifetime.

Cheers and happy packing for your next trip,

Shampoo Bar | Conditioner Bar

Polaroid Camera | Pink Journal | Wanderlust Journal

Large Leather Tote | Candle


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1 Comment

  • Supergoop - the Queen of Sunscreen - Season of Heather

    […] running errands around town or posted up at the beach on vacation. I honestly could have titled my last blog post the “11” items in my carry-on every single trip instead of 10 because this is always […]

    August 19, 2019 at 1:46 pm Reply
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