Lifestyle Winter

Winter Holiday Candle Guide

Candle Season Continues

It seems like just yesterday I shared my fall candle guide, but here we are trimming the tree, decking the halls and hanging the mistletoe. I’ve said before I don’t have a favorite season, but I lied. It’s totally candle season. Today, I’m sharing four of my favorite holiday candles that will make your home smell like holiday cheer.

Winter Holiday Candle Guide

Peppermint Red Velvet Candle by Capri Blue

Notes: peppermint, eucalyptus, cocoa bean, malt, buttercream, + a touch of coconut Size: 12 oz Burn Time: 56 hr burn time Price: $28

Is this jar not the cutest candle jar you’ve ever seen?! I’ll be honest, I bought this candle for the jar and thought of the candle part like a little bonus.  I liked the scent, when I smelled it in the store, but wasn’t in love. I debated on whether I would share it with you here since I didn’t absolutely love it, but now that I’ve gotten it home and smelled it lit, I’m in peppermint love.

It’s so delicious and the peppermint is just strong enough and balanced out by all the gourmand creamy notes. It smells like little elves are whipping up sugary Christmas concoctions in your home and if this candle had to live in a certain room, it’d be the kitchen.

I’m so happy with this purchase, especially since I’ll get to use it as Christmas decor for years to come.

P.s. This jar comes in two sizes and the larger one is a different scent.

Peppermint Red Velvet Candle Capri Blue Anthropologie

Cedar Stack Candle by Boy Smells

Notes: cedar, labdanum, juniper berry, saw dust + white musk Size: 8.5 oz Burn Time: 50 hr burn time Price: $36

Cedar Stack Candle Boy Smells

This is not your typical “Christmas” candle (pine, sugary, or cinnamon), but I love it as an all around winter candle. I live for earthy smelling candles and this one is my new favorite. Sometimes earthy ones can smell a little simple, like just the main note, but this candle is beautifully balanced. You know those photos with a bunch of cut tree trunks stacked really tall as a background that you see on like Pinterest or Instagram? This candle smells like what I imagine that place smelling like.

And don’t get me started on the aesthetics. I love this clean black jar with its pink label. I’m going to savor every last drop of wax as I burn it, but when it runs out i’m not even gonna be sad about it, because you know how I love to repurpose candle jars. I’m already dreaming of the ways I can reuse this beauty.

And guys, as if all that isn’t enough to make you fall in love with this candle, they give you an adorable box of black and pink matches. I die.

Cedar stack candle Boy Smells

Cedar stack candle Boy Smells

Cedar stack candle Boy Smells

P.s. This one pictured here is a mini that I got in a set, but the size, burn time and price listed above are for their full size candle.

Evergreen + Pomegranate Candle by Vineyard Hill

Notes: woodsy evergreen + pomegranate Size: varies Burn Time: varies Price: varies

Evergreen Pomegranate Candle Vineyard Hill Target

This candle is technically from last year, but I’ve seen it restocked at Target this season just in different jars. I love the brightness of the pomegranate note in this candle. It really elevates the evergreen scent and makes it different than just your typical traditional evergreen candle.

Since my jar is from last year I did not include the stats on it, but this candle is super affordable. Thanks Target! This candle is my burn-while-I-do-chores candle. Since its affordable, I don’t feel like I have to sit down with it and really take it in. I can bip-bop around the house cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry and not feel guilty that I’ve got an expensive candle burning, but all the while it still makes the house smell good.

Frasier Fir Candle by Thymes

Notes: Siberian fir, cedarwood + sandalwood Size: 6.5 oz Burn Time: 45 hr burn time Price: $30

Frasier Fir Candle Thymes

Last, but certainly not least, the beloved iconic Christmas tree scented candle. Does it really even feel like Christmas yet if you haven’t lit your pine scented candle?

Pine and fir trees are my favorite kind of trees in nature, so Christmas time always feels a little magical since we get to have a tree in the house. We always get a real tree, but I still love burning this candle for extra christmasy foresty vibes.

I can’t recommend this candle enough. I’ve tried a handful of pine/fir/evergreen type scents over the years and this is my favoriteOther versions smell a little too fake for my taste, but this one smells real and complex. Also, it burns so slowly! It will last you so long!

I love this beautiful green one, but they come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit your seasonal decor style. Last year I had a pretty white one with green branches on it.

Frasier Fir Candle Thymes 

And I’m not officially listing them, but I still love both the spiced cider and the hyde candle mentioned in my fall candle guide. They both transition really well into winter and even after the holidays in my opinion. Hope you enjoyed this little list and if you do end up getting one of these candles let me know what you think!

Cheers to Holiday Cheer,

Winter Holiday Candle Guide

Peppermint Red Velvet Candle | Cedar Stack Candle

Evergreen + Pomegranate Candle | Frasier Fir Candle

Christmas Tree Glass Bottle String Lights

[This post may contain affiliate links. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I only share products I truly love]

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