Fall Recipes

Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe

Acorn Squash

Fall is in full swing here and before you know it, the Christmas season will be upon us, so I’m soaking up all the fall vibes while I still can. I feel like Texas gets kind of gypped with fall. It doesn’t really feel like fall until the heat leaves and then it kind of feels over as soon as Thanksgiving is past.  So basically, its fall for like three weeks here haha. Oh Texas.

While I’m soaking in this last bit of fall, I’ve been enjoying this yummy meal. This meal is the epitome of fall meals…squash, apple, garlic, and herbs…mmmm. It’s filling and warm and earthy and just what you want on a cold day.

I’d say I’ve been drawn to eating with the seasons for a while now. Most of the cookbooks I own are seasonally focussed and its just a way of cooking that really resonates with me. It’s my favorite way I enjoy the beauty of the current season.

And squashes are so fall! They’re technically called winter squash but they start making their appearance around the beginning of the fall season. My favorite winter squash is acorn squash. I love its size and that you can serve it stuffed. It feels so rustic.

If you’ve never had any of the winter squashes (acorn, butternut, delicata, spaghetti squash, etc) they’re delicious and super versatile. You can go savory or sweet with them, but even if you go the savory route they provide a delicate sweetness to the dish that is yummy and unique. Pictured below is acorn squash (left), the one were using for this recipe, and butternut squash (right), another favorite of mine.

Winter Squashes, unlike summer squashes, keep well on the counter anywhere from one to six months (depending on type), due to their thick skins. I like to keep a couple squashes stocked in the fall and winter, since they do last so well, for those nights were I just want to throw something together with what I have on hand.

Fall Tablescape

I love a good tablescape. I’m dreaming of the day I can host my own Thanksgiving and have a long, beautifully set table, but for now we live in a cozy, smaller home and we just don’t have the space for it.  But that doesn’t stop me from setting up a pretty table!

I wanted this table to feel warm and bright so I used mums for some color and some sage for my greenery that I had left over from another recipe and some glowy candles. I love bringing seasonal foliage into the home, especially herbs or stuff found in the garden or yard!

The candles are a mix of beeswax candles and fall candles, because well, you know I love a good candle (see my favorite fall candles here)! Most of my flower vases are recycled candle jars and other glass jars. This Voluspa candle jar in the third photo, makes the prettiest fall vase.

Ok but back to the squash! Here is the recipe below. I found this yummy recipe on Paleo Running Momma’s site. I really haven’t altered it much, I just added a couple of tweaks to it like spicy sausage (bring on the spice!) and oiling and seasoning the squash before its cooked. Paleo Running Momma also makes sure to use sugar-free sausage so that its whole 30 approved, so if you’re planning on doing whole 30 after the holidays, tuck this recipe away for then too!



  • 2 acorn squash
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 apple (peeled, cored and diced)
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 tbsp rosemary
  • 2  tsp thyme
  • 1 lb hot Italian pork sausage
  • 3 tbsp oil (ghee, coconut, or avocado oil)
  • olive oil for squash
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  2. Cut acorn squash in half and scoop out seeds. (You can discard them, compost them, cook them or my personal favorite, feed them to your chickens!)
  3. Lightly oil the inside of the squashes with olive oil and season with salt and pepper
  4. Place squash onto lined baking sheet cut side down and roast for 30 minutes
  5. While your squash roasts make the filling
  6. Heat 1 tbsp oil over low heat (I use ghee) and add chopped onions and sauté for 20-25 minutes, stirring frequently
  7. While the onions cook, heat the remainder of your oil in a separate saucepan and cook garlic until fragrant. Add sausage and brown. Once sausage browned add apple and herbs. Cook until apples are soft. Turn off heat, add spinach and stir until just wilted (this helps the spinach keep its vibrant green color)
  8. Add onions to your sausage and apple mixture. Fill your squash with the stuffing and place back onto baking sheet with stuffing side up and broil for a few minutes

This serves 4 people (half a stuffed squash per person) with a little bit of leftover stuffing. I’ll typically eat the left over stuffing with quinoa or over a bed of spinach for lunch.

This recipe is perfect for a date night in, but it would also be great for a friendsgiving or another small get together over the upcoming holidays. I mean how cool is it to give everyone their own personal squash half?! I just love it! Hope y’all do too!


Baltic Amber Candle | Mercer Plates

Cast Iron Skillet


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