Lifestyle Self-care + Wellness

My Morning Ritual

Today I’m sharing with you what my morning ritual looks like and how I am intentional about setting the tone of my day.

Some of you may be wondering, what does she mean by ritual??

I just call it that because it really shifts my mindset. To me, routine sounds like something I do out of habit or because I have to, but ritual, now that sounds fancy! Calling it a ritual reminds me that I am taking time for myself and it just sets good vibes. It’s all about perspective people.

Now I’m sharing with you what my morning ritual looks like, but your morning ritual may look completely different. The take home point is that you are starting your day off doing something to fill your cup so that you can be the best version of yourself throughout the day. It’s not fool proof, but I promise you will feel more grounded if you incorporate this into your life.


First things first, when I wake up I list five things in my head that I am grateful for. It took me a while to remember to do this every day, but now its pretty natural. We all hear about how practicing gratefulness fuels the soul. Well, its true. At first, I didn’t notice much of a difference. Now, I find myself being even more grateful throughout the entire day. It’s magic like that.

Give it a go. You might forget sometimes at the beginning, but I found putting up a sticky note in my bedroom or bathroom to be helpful. If I got up without doing them and saw the sticky, I would hop back into bed and do it. This action of actually getting back in the bed when I forgot really helped me to make it a habit.


After I get out of bed, I brush my teeth, say hi to the husband (he’s always up before me because I’m a sleepyhead) and see him out the door. Then I crawl back into bed (for the second time if I missed my gratitudes haha)….to meditate.

I’m fairly new to meditating, but I’ve come to really enjoy it. There are all different practices and ways to meditate, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple old-fashioned focus on your breath kind of meditating can do the trick. If that seems too difficult, a guided meditation or nature sounds like rain on youtube can help you get your feet wet. My meditations normally lasts about 15-25 minutes depending on my mood.

Our lives are busy, busier than ever. It can really wear on me if I feel like my life is one big to-do list and all go go go. Meditating provides a stillness that is so good for me.

Morning Beverage

Once I’m done meditating, I make some kind of hot drink like coffee, tea or a latte with spices. (I’ve also been known to drink spiced wine in the morning if its left over from the night before. Shhh. It goes perfect with left over cobbler too. More shhhhs.) I’ve always loved warm things and starting my day off with warmth is super grounding for me. I’ll never be the person to down a glass of ice cold water when I first wake up or take cold showers no matter how “good it is for your metabolism.” If that sounds like your jam, more power to you! Make it part of your morning ritual!

If I’m making coffee, I normally make it with a French press because one, it tastes better and two, I just find the process enjoyable…hearing the tea kettle whistle, freshly grinding my beans, pushing the filter down when its complete.  Yeah it takes longer to make coffee this way, but I need to be slow in the morning. It’s just another way I practice slowing it down. Are you noticing a theme?

Once my drink is made, I head to what I refer to as the nook, my favorite room in the house. It’s a small room that functions as a dining room/study room/art room. It has a really large window that goes almost from floor to ceiling and lets in beautiful morning light. The nook is totally my happy place. Well, that and the bathtub.


So, I chill in the nook, Iight a candle (because candles are cozy), sip my hot beverage and journal. This is my favorite part of my morning. My mind and my house are quiet and I just sit with my thoughts. It’s my time for reflecting, more gratitude, exploring feelings and setting intentions for the day.

Time Outside

When I’m finished with journaling I normally eat breakfast and scroll on instagram. Then I take the compost out from the night before, tend to my chickens and garden and collect the eggs.

You may have noticed, all of the things I do in my morning ritual are about slowing down or things that bring me joy (i.e. collecting eggs). Maybe some of these things will resonate with you and maybe they won’t (and maybe you don’t have chickens, its ok I’m only crying for you a little). It’s all about creating something that truly sparks joy in your heart in the wee hours of the morning, because if it doesn’t you’ll just press snooze. And maybe you’ll have to get up a little bit earlier, but I promise, it’ll be worth it.

This is the season of your life. Your life now! You never get these moments back. So, lets make it beautiful and filled with meaning, starting at the very beginning of our days. Go ahead, slap the word ritual onto your morning routine and make sure to do at least one thing that truly brings you joy and set a positive tone for your day ahead.

Now tell me, how will you make your morning yours?






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  • Erin

    Absolutely LOVE… makes me wanna slow down and smell the roses… Even with all the ups and downs, all the twists and turns…it really is a Wonderful Life!
    I wanna learn Meditation!! And Chai Tea is on my grocery list. I stopped drinking coffee, and this reminded me I miss the “ritual “ too! ❤️

    October 30, 2018 at 5:08 pm Reply
    • Heather Czajkowski

      Thanks momma 💕 And I’ll share some meditating stuff with you 😘

      October 30, 2018 at 9:39 pm Reply
  • Jordyn

    I love how you use the term ritual! I am one of the least routine people I have ever known and I actually feel gross thinking of the word routine…but ritual has a more intentional personal feel to it. It feels less like I HAVE to and more like I want to. I have a stupid busy week next week and I currently have no routine/ritual/morning must haves/anything..I am going to figure out what I find grounding and implement a mini ritual next week to see how it goes 🙂

    November 1, 2018 at 2:07 pm Reply
    • Heather Czajkowski

      Yay! Yeah I can’t do the exact same thing every single day or I’ll go crazy, but with a ritual, some of the building blocks may be the same, but I don’t feel like it has to be so locked in stone and I have some flexibility with what kind of meditation do I want to do today etc.

      November 3, 2018 at 5:08 pm Reply
  • Elly

    I love how mindful you are with your morning Time! I always feel so panicky in the morning and always regret not really saying “good morning” and taking in time with my son before the daycare/corporate world craziness of the day. This is great! (Great photos too!)

    November 1, 2018 at 2:56 pm Reply
    • Heather Czajkowski

      Aww thank you! Yeah it can be hard when you have to be up early for work, but even on my busy mornings I try to set aside at least 30 minutes for myself to do a small version of my morning ritual.

      November 3, 2018 at 5:11 pm Reply
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  • Audrey

    I love the details of your morning ritual and while reading each word and imagIng your every move made me feel cozy and relaxed. I am so happy that you have a special way to relaxi your mind and body before you start your day. That is great self care!! I love mornings and I have my routine, I won’t use your word “ritual” as I think that is sacred to you. Within the last month I have started my mornings off with my coffee and a good book. There are times the TV doesn’t get turned on for hours after I wake up. That being said it is different when my husband is home. I may take your thoughts of gratitude and incorporate into my morning. A great way to get your mind set for a positive day. I look forward to following you along this journey.

    November 4, 2018 at 2:13 pm Reply
    • Heather Czajkowski

      Yes, everyone’s morning looks a little different, but I think the gratitude part is so easy for anyone to incorporate! I think I may steal your idea of reading in the morning!

      November 5, 2018 at 12:51 pm Reply
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